Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Daddy's Hats

“I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.” -John Wayne

This is the tree from my dad's memorial in September. There is a lot of special meaning to each of those hats that hang on it. Some are more significant in memory to me than others, but they all represent who my dad was in the end. I can only tell what these hats meant to me, they might have different meaning or feeling attached to them for everyone else. Let's start at the top...

The white baseball cap was a hat that meant dad had become a "born-again" Christian. I know that a lot of people throw that term around, but in my dad's case it was true. Growing up he wasn't the nicest person to deal with. He was a very angry man after my parent's divorce and drank and smoked and chewed tobacco a lot. All of his jeans that he owned always had a Copenhagen ring in the back pocket. When my dad told me that he was going back to church; the same church he had turned his back to so many years before; I was in shock and honestly didn't think he would stick with it. Oh ye of little faith in my case. He was baptized, along with my brother and step-mom. I was so proud of him and the changes that had happened in him. He no longer drank, smoked, or chewed. In fact, he had even cooled his notorious temper and road rage. Dad had become the man I had always longed he would become as a little girl growing up.

The cheese-head is pretty self-explanatory. My dad was a rabid Green Bay Packers fan, and I have been a fan since I was little as well, just don't watch the games. On game days he would put on his cheese head and his Packer jersey and fill his Packer cup up with either coffee or water and root for his favorite team. The cheese head is now mine and I will always think of dad when I see it or watch a game.

The last two hats hold the most significance for me memory-wise. The bright orange tin hat brought on the most emotion for me when I finally saw it in person. Memories of dad coming home from logging in the woods to my grandma's house. He smelled like pine, chainsaw oil, and coffee. When he would come in the door my older brother and I would basically maul him and drag him over to the chair to help take his boots off while our grandma got him some dinner. If you have ever seen a logging boot, than you know it is not an easy task to take one off. They are extremely tall, almost to the knee, and HEAVY. Each boot can weigh upwards of 8 pounds! It would take me and my brother at least 10 minutes to "help" dad get his boots off, but while we undid the laces he would tell us about his time up in the woods. That old hat also reminds me of all the times dad was gone helping with fighting fires all over the Western United States and Alaska. Those were anxious times for my brother and myself. Fires are dangerous and we were always worried about dad's safety and prayed he would come home to us.

The final hat is dad's cowboy hat. He loved horses and the ranch life, but was never able to actually own his own ranch. He may not have been able to live the cowboy life that he always dreamed of, but he never stopped being a cowboy in his own heart and soul. This might explain both our obsessions with John Wayne and all things western.

In the end, dad was a great person and an excellent dad to all of us kids. He tried to live his life the best that he could in the best manner and way possible, so as to be an example to the rest of the world. I believe he accomplished just that, and I will miss him terribly.

I will always be my daddy's little Peanut.
Rest in Peace, until we meet again.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Holiday Season

The holiday season is here! Yay! Love Christmastime (if you couldn't tell already) and I was so excited to start decorating my house and tree. We have, for the first time ever since being married, a full-size, 7.5 foot tall tree! My oldest helped me decorate and we had so much fun :) After we decorated the tree R helped me with the fireplace mantle. We put up our Charlie Brown nativity scene, it looks pretty cute! When the boys were taking a nap the next day, I worked on the front window, putting up window stickers and ornaments and lights. It looks fabulous and we have gotten several compliments from out neighbors about it.
 Yes, that's a fence around the tree. Helps keep the kids and the dog out of it.

The weather down here has been downright cold! Not like it was in Oregon, but a different kind of cold. It's a damp cold that soaks into your bones, even if it is only 40 degrees out. Makes for being outside for any length of time miserable. I feel sorry for the hubby, he is out in it all day.

Our Thanksgiving was great. The four of us and one of hubby's co-workers who is also from out of state. Good food and good conversation; that's what the holidays are supposed to be about. We still miss the Northwest, but it is nice to have friends down here.

Everyone has been in good health, despite the nasty weather and I am thankful for that. Nobody likes it when their loved ones are sick, especially when they are male!

Slowly been wrapping presents and making Christmas treats that I plan on giving out as gifts. The only problem is that I have to make everything twice because the hubby and the boys are my "official taste-testers"...or so they say! HAHA! Mailed out a ton of Christmas cards this past week that I'm sure the mailman hates me for, but oh well, such is life. 

Until next time! Be on the lookout for another post later on this week, it's for a special day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Halloween and Holidays are Coming

I know, it's been a super long time since the last post. What can I say other than I am blonde and spacey (I call it busy, but whatever). I did promise pictures of my super cute Halloween babies, so here ya go!
Sully Monster and a Skeleton Pirate. 

I just love them. They are so cute. TT was not terribly excited about having the head piece on, but he dealt with it. R had such a blast! I'm sure that next year will be even more fun!
Although I was slightly disappointed in the lack of Halloween decorations from people. Not too mention that there was hardly any neighborhoods that were passing out candy. The "rich" neighborhoods did, but that was about all that we saw when we headed back home after trick-or-treating. We didn't have a ton of decorations out, but we at least tried to make our house look inviting to any trick-or-treaters. Next year, I hope we can do a lot more to our yard and house to make it fun to visit!

Now that Halloween is over, we are preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'm looking forward to the holiday season and can't wait to start decorating the house. I promised the hubs that I would at least TRY to wait until Thanksgiving, but no guarantee at this point. There is a Christmas tree and decorations that are calling my name to be put out! I think that the boys will really enjoy Christmas this year, or I hope that they will. I want to at least try to mail out cards and give baked goodies to all of my neighbors and the few friends that we have living close by. I especially want to make lefsa this year. If you do not know what that is and have never tried it, than you are missing out on one of the best Scandinavian foods ever!! Just ask me ;) The only downside to it, is it takes FOREVER to make a small batch (which I usually end up eating most of it as test subjects). 

Can't wait for the holidays! 
And please feel free to click on an ad or two, help a sista out ;)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Change of Seasons

There is something about fall that makes me so happy and content. Probably the cooler weather. Which is a nice change from it being blazing hot all day down here. Also, the fact that I am able to wear cozy sweatshirts and slippers and snuggle on the couch to watch movies with my boys. Fall is also when my birthday is, and this birthday was bittersweet. Since my dad passed away in August it has been hard to not think about him missing out on what is going on in my life, my brothers, and my step-mom. I know its been hard for us all.

Every time I have a happy memory or think, "Oh! Dad would love this!" The realization hits that he can't share in that joy with us anymore. This past weekend, I was starting to buy some Christmas decorations that were on sale and it turned into a semi-sad time. Christmas was dad's favorite holiday! He was one of those people that started decorating as soon as possible and was the most colorful, bright, obnoxious house in the neighborhood! And I LOVED it! Dad loved everything about Christmas, but the thing he loved the most was having family around him enjoying the holiday and all of its goodies.

My goal this year is to try and decorate our house for Christmas in memory of dad, and because I love Christmas also! We will even, for the first time since being married, have a full-size Christmas Tree! So excited! Along with the decorating, I hope to make Christmas goodies: cookies, brownies, fudge, and my family's traditional Lefse. If you don't know what that is, find someone that makes it homemade, or come on down to New Mexico, and try it, it is the best stuff ever!

This holiday season should be fun, especially now that our oldest boy is really excited about Halloween and dressing up! He has picked out his costume, but I won't tell what it is until Halloween when I post a picture. T, our youngest, will probably be Sully from Monsters, Inc. Just have to dig out the costume.

Even though it's been a rough year with losing my dad, we have still been blessed with a roof over our heads and food in our bellies and good friends that are only a phone call away when I need someone to talk to. I really hope to post more blog posts this coming season, with pictures, and hopefully everyone can keep me in check! Until next time!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Busy Bee Summer

Well it has been one super busy summer! My 10 year high school reunion was in July in Baker and I had a blast catching up with a lot of my fellow classmates. Can't believe that it is September; which means Toby will be turning 1! And my birthday is also fast approaching. Along with the happy will be some sad and solemn with my Dad's memorial service.

For those that do not know, my Dad passed away in August from his battle with cancer. It is still something of a shock to me and I probably won't be able to continue my grieving process until the memorial. Being so far from family and what is going on has been nothing short of frustrating and I have no way of explaining what I am feeling to anyone. It's just too hard. What I do know is that my husband and babies are coming with me for support and to say goodbye to Grampy also. They are so little and it is so very hard for me to even try to begin to explain to R what is going on and why I've been so sad and moody lately.

To keep myself occupied, I have been working on cleaning and organizing our house. All I can say is that it amazes me how much crap a family gathers over the years! I have 5 boxes and 2 totes full of stuff to donate to the local thrift store. That will be nice when I can get all of that space freed I can fill it with more crap I'm sure!

The summer down here has been pretty "mild" apparently. It's still too dang hot for me with the average temp being about 95 degrees. That's low as this has been a wet year. The usual average is about 100+. Thank goodness for small favors!

August also meant the arrival of our new member to our family! Drago the Vizsla puppy! The kids love him and he has become my third baby in the house. He is such a very good puppy and it was totally worth driving he 8 hours over by Dallas to pick him up.

All-in-all, I have tried to stay busy and pre-occupied as much as possible during this summer. It has kept me somewhat grounded and has helped me to deal with some of my emotions from everything going on that has been out of my control. After September 13th, that might change, but I will try to write about my Dad more next time and to try and tell you what kind of man/Dad he was. For now, the memories are too raw and painful to think about too much.

Until next time from the Southwest!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Overtime Season

It has been a long time since I last posted! So I've been a little busy with life.

Since last I wrote I have been trying to finish up my kitchen table and chair staining project and it turned out GREAT! It went from a light blond wood color to a beautiful honey brown. Love how nice it looks.

Also, the weather has been warming up rather rapidly around here and so I have been trying to help my hubby work on the yard without melting. Not an easy task in this area of the world. Our poor yard has done a complete 360 since we bought our house last year. Where there was once nothing but weeds in the back yard is now beginning to show grass and a lot of potential. It's a comforting thought to know that our hard work is paying off. The true test is when my son, R, prefers to run around in bare feet instead of wearing his shoes.

Along with the hot weather arriving so has a season I have dubbed "Overtime Season". It is named thus because the thunderstorms roll in so hot and violent that they take out poles and transformers and cause my poor hubby to have to go out and help fix them. The other bad part of the storms is that they do tend to bring on tornadoes. Coming from the north west to this part of the country, it came as a bit of a shock to learn that we were on the edge of "Tornado Alley". *Knock on wood* I have not seen one yet, but there was one that touched down about 40 miles north of us with the last storm.

Not only do these storms bring violence and tornadoes, but they also bring large sized hail. Come to find out we live in the county that claims the most hail damage for the state each year. Greeeeeaaaaatttttt......That is what I had to do this past week was file a claim with our insurance over hail damage to our roof. Such fun, but the insurance has been great to deal with so far and hopefully we can get a new roof put on soon.

July can not come soon enough because I am taking the boys with me to a visit up to Oregon for 2 weeks. (Yes, I am torturing myself again, flying with children alone.) Look forward to cooler weather and more greenery and mountains.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


This is a hard post to write.

I have gotten into the habit since having kids of hiding my feelings and not showing a lot of emotion; such as crying or anger. As the days go by this is becoming harder and harder for me to do. Mostly out of frustration at my current situation of being completely helpless to do anything for my family that so desperately need help and support.

A little back story of the subject, because I have remained relatively quiet on the matter. Mostly I just don't know what to think or feel at this point anymore.

Last June my Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent surgery. Most of the tumor was removed, but there is still the possibility with this type of cancer that it will come back. All seemed well. Then he began to develop complications such as pneumonia, blood clots, and seizures. It seemed with every step forward we have taken about 10 steps backwards.

When I flew down there with both boys during Christmas, it seemed as though maybe he was making good improvements and might actually be able to come home and recover there, instead of the rehab facility that he hated so much.

His time at home lasted maybe a month and he ended up back in the hospital. Even after he was taken off all of the medications that make a person drowsy, he still seems like he is in his own world. His past, present, and make believe world have all melded together to form his new reality. (Sometimes with humorous results!)

Since Dad has not completely come back after all of this time, I have a feeling that the "old" Dad I knew is gone and has been replaced with this new person. The loss I feel for the man I knew is deep. At times it almost feels like he is gone completely. I still love him very much and he will always be my Dad; just have to envision a new way of looking at things.

The reality of it all is that my Dad is here but not here all at the same time and I continue to look back and think of all of the things I should have said or talked to him about before all of this happened. Moral of this story is that you never know what you have until it is gone and because of it, I try to not get too grumpy when my children wake me up early or keep me up all  night, because one day they won't need their mommy to snuggle with them and that is the time when I will need them.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Birds and Bees

It's time to talk about the birds and the bees...Not THAT talk! I sincerely hope that your parents have already had that discussion with you. I'm talking about the weird animals and bugs that call this strange land home.

When we lived in Oregon the worst "bug" you could have in your house was a wasp or ants, down here that would be just par for the course. Spiders and cockroaches are basically everywhere. The spiders are awful; huge daddy long-legs, black widows, those nasty big brown spiders, and of course, my friend the tarantula.

Remember this guy? 

Thankfully for my heart and nerves, these big ones don't come out in the open very often and are pretty docile unless provoked. No worries from me, I don't like being within 10 feet of one. If I had had a gun at the time...

Cockroaches have become the bane of my existence! It is true that they would be the only living things, besides Keith Richards, that would survive a nuclear holocaust. Thankfully, our house that we bought is on a concrete foundation so that seems to help keep the population down in the house.
Not the best picture of a cockroach, but it will do.

My other hated pest is the scorpion. They are creepy and scary and make my skin crawl! The joke in our house when we first moved in was to never step into a dark room until you turned on the light because we were constantly finding scorpions. After research, found out that they LOVE cardboard (moving boxes), dirty floors (I was in the process of cleaning the house still), and tall dead vegetation (which there was a ton!). We have taught R to not touch ANY bug he sees because of these bad boys. The sting supposedly feels like a wasp, but I don't feel like finding out!
The sound they make when skittering on the cardboard about makes you wet your pants!

Then there is this lovely bug, which I have only had the pleasure of coming into contact with only twice thank GOD!
This is the American version of a camel spider, and are relatively harmless, just really super creepy! They like the dark cooler parts of the house, but all of these bugs have turned me into something of an OCD cleaner, even more than I was before, if that can be believed.

There are fun creatures down here. My neighbors have turtles that live in their yard and T is always finding lizards like this one:
A horned toad. T has also found lots of little lizards, but they are waaaay too speedy to be caught.

The amount of doves that are down here is crazy! I always thought that doves and pigeons were the same, and they are to a point. The only difference that I have seen is that the doves are pretty and not nearly as annoying.

One bird species down here that I don't like at all is called a Grackel (I think that is how it is spelled). These birds are annoying and obnoxious like you wouldn't believe! Imagine a cross between a Magpie and a Starling. Not pretty at all. They are kind of aggressive as well. I've been dive-bombed in parking lots before. All I want to do is shoot them all, but I'm sure its highly illegal and they are probably protected...*Sigh*...

These are just some of the creatures down here. I'm sure that the longer I live down here the more I will see. I'll keep ya posted!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Being a lineman wife

Being a lineman's wife is a lonely job at times.

I'm not complaining about how hard my husband works, because he works extremely hard. A power lineman does not necessarily have a set schedule, especially when he is on call. They are done when the job is done and that can sometimes be a couple of days later.

When T gets called out I always dread it, wondering if he is going to be home in an hour or 30 hours later. The unknown is stressful! My biggest fear is the job itself. Lineman have a very dangerous job and at one point in history it was in the top 3 for the deadliest profession. Thankfully, it is not as dangerous now, but still has an element of danger.

Everytime T walks out that door to go to work, I always say a little prayer to keep him safe and bring him home to his family.

Back to my original point: because T works such long and crazy hours, it makes it hard to have him there to help parent our two boys all the time. There have been some days that I do feel like a single parent, but I know that he helps as much as possible, even when he is exhausted after a long day at work. I'm not complaining, honestly. Just wanted to vent a little about how lonely it can be as a lineman's wife.

When T first started this career, I did not believe it would be this crazy. Even though I saw this with my sister-in-law and her husband, I just thought maybe it was because he was a journeyman and the Co-Op needed him to work more. Sadly, I think T works more because he is a lineman apprentice, basically everyones go-fer at work.

So if anybody wants to visit me so I'm not as lonely for adult conversation, please do! We have plenty of room!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hippie I guess...

Going grocery shopping with two kids under the age of 3 is an experience all on its own; especially if you do it by yourself. We (me plus babies) went grocery shopping today for a few things I didn't manage to get last time I went to Wally World. This time, however, I drove to the local Albertson's. Mostly just was not in the mood to deal with Walmartians, but also because I had not been to this store yet, figured what the hell, why not?

I did my usual routine before heading in for battle (I mean shopping) which entails transferring my wallet and coupon book to the diaper bag, strapping TT (baby #2) to my chest with the baby carrier, and unloading R. I can only imagine how interesting I must look to people, today was no exception.

Walk into Albertson's, grabbed my cart, put R into cart and started to push cart to an out of the way spot so I could orient myself to the store and get my list out. Right off the bat I hear to the right side of me: "Is that a baby in there? How cool! Never seen that before!" I look around for the voice and it turns out to be the pharmacist! I politely reply to the question and move the carrier enough to show the proof of existence and keep on walking as they look like they want to chat more, but I have two time-bombs and don't want to waste any time.

Walking through the aisles passing people, they all pause and look at the front of me trying to figure out what I am wearing. Starting to feel a little awkward, but what can you do? Stop shopping and leave the store with a bag on my head? Nope, kept on trucking and just tried to ignore the blatant "WTF?!?" stares.

Finally finish my shopping and get into the check-out line. EVERYONE is staring at me in the line.
I'm beginning to think people down here have never seen something like this before. Guess I'm just enough of a "hippie" to think people are overreacting to a baby strapped to someones chest. Gonna have to start calling myself a "hippie-hick".


So R, my oldest, decided to bash himself in the face over the weekend with one of his toys. Great...guess he needed his first dental check-up anyway. Still being kind of new to the area and now knowing what dentist to go to I googled "Lovington Dentists" and came across a Dr. Jerry James. Needless to say, I was nervous. I kept looking to see if I there were any bad reviews or ratings on the dentist, but I couldn't find anything, so I called and set up an appointment for R and myself.

Anxious...nervous...uptight...and then there was R, who could have cared less. All of my fears were not justified, because the office staff were WONDERFUL! I was pleasently surprised and they did really well with R and said that he only scraped his gums and should heal in a few days. R had a blast playing with all of the little toys and walking around with the staff while mommy got worked on and her check-up.

The dental hygenist was fabulous and asked where I was from, because I obviously wasn't a  native. When she found out I was from Oregon, lots of questions started flowing my way. It's really difficult to answer when there are fingers and tools in ones mouth, but I did my best. People are extremely curious about the Northwest down here, I think its because of the green, trees, and mountains. All of which they don't have!

My check-up went well considering it had been at least 3 years since my last dental visit. Sadly, I have to go back later this month to have two fillings done! I have two cavities! How awful, but it could be worse...I could have T's teeth!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Coffee Addiction

Being that I am from the Northwest, I, of course, am very much addicted to coffee. My small home town that I grew up in had 4 coffee shops in a town of 10,000. Moving down here, there are a total of one, and it doesn't even have a drive-thru!

A drive-thru might not seem like such a big deal, but remember that I have 2 small children, so to have to walk inside to get a coffee on my way to grocery shop, is a pain in the rear. Although I should be thankful for what this small town has.

When I go to the neighboring larger city of Hobbs to grocery shop about once a month, I will sometimes get a coffee at the local Starbucks. Unfortunately, Starbucks has gone down hill and they just aren't as good as they used to be, not too mention that they are extremely expensive. The really funny thing is that not many people knew what Starbucks was and that little shop has only been there less than a year.

Coffee is an important part of my life, especially with having 2 small kids. So to combat the problem of a lack of decent coffee, I have had to order it in. At the present I think that I am the farthest person that Sorbenots has ever shipped coffee too. Thank goodness for their House Blend! We tend to hoard it when it comes in and use it sparingly.

My coffee addiction is so bad that I finally broke down and bought a Keurig to use along with our drip coffee maker. Sad, I know. But a mommy's gotta do what a mommy's gotta do when it comes to survival! So until this small New Mexico town acquires a Dutch Bros. or some other decent drive-thru coffee shop, I will continue to order my coffee from home and remember how wonderful it was to be able to get a coffee while my butt stayed in my vehicle...such dreams....

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Traveling with Children...

Can I just say that travel is never an easy feat for me. I love to fly about as much as I love going to the dentist. Add in 2 children and I might as well be having my wisdom teeth pulled again. At least I was able to sleep afterwards with some good drugs!

Right before Christmas I was to fly to Nevada to visit with my Dad, Step-Mom, and two brothers. Dad was in a rehab facility after having brain surgery and several set-backs since the surgery. Basically not doing the best and it had been almost a year and a half since I had seen everyone so I was really needing some family time despite the circumstances.

The bad part was I had to fly from Lubbock, Texas to Reno, Nevada with my two myself...What the HELL was I THINKING?!?

I apparently wasn't and so agreed to the flight not thinking about how big a pain this would be. I wasn't worried about my 3 month old. Just stuff a boob in his face and he was a happy camper. When he wasn't eating he would sleep in his carrier on my chest. My 2 year old is a bundle of energy and I worried about keeping him close in the big airport in Vegas that I would be changing planes in and keep him from getting too bored while on the plane.

Two words: Monkey Back-pack! That thing saved my life. Even though it looked like I was walking my kid on a leash through the airport, I didn't care. At least I knew where he was at all times: stuck to my hand like glue. I never let go of that leash until I was strapped into my step-mom's car and heading over to see my Dad.

My other big mistake, besides traveling with kids, was on the flight over I had waaaaaaaay to many carry-ons. What can I say? I was a kid-travelin' virgin. Ended up over packing with those bags and on my return trip had it streamlined all into one bag. Much easier. The next time (God I hope not anytime soon) I travel with my babies I will know how to handle it so much better.

I have to give a shout out to all of the nice people that helped me when I looked like I might fall apart. There are a lot of very nice and kind people still in the world and I was extremely grateful for all of their help even if I didn't have the breath or energy to express my thanks. People, for the most part, are inherently kind and want to help. It made me feel as though there may be hope for humanity after all.

I survived my trip and my husband survived, for the most part, without us for almost 3 weeks. Even though New Mexico isn't where I grew up, it was sure nice to be able to come home to it. The trip did me good and I hope helped to lift spirits in Nevada.

The beginning...

How did I end up down here in the South West United States of all places? Crazy story that, and I blame my husband. Although, it was only partially his fault.

This crazy journey began a little over 2 years ago in Umatilla, Oregon. My husband worked for a company that finished up the work they were contracted for with the Government. He had always wanted to be a power lineman and this would give him the money to go along with the time.

So we moved in with his parents while he went to school for those 5 months. As graduation neared, the race was on to try and find a job that would hire a person straight out of school, along with competing with the 100+ other students for those said positions. While he studied, I was tasked with applying to all of the jobs that sounded interesting.

As the days started to tick by and we began to receive "We regret to inform you..." letters and emails, I had to start branching out locations on the applications. We eventually landed on a company in New Mexico that was hiring groundsman/apprentices. I thought "What the Hell! Let's send it in!" and received a phone call a couple of days later. Since we didn't have any other prospects for jobs anywhere withing 500 miles of Oregon, this seemed to be the best option.

Off we went for lands unknown a week after T graduated. We landed in Roswell, New Mexico 3 days after we left Oregon. It's a long drive, but it feels even longer when you are moving and have a toddler to take care of. Our son probably handled the trip and move better than we did!
Isn't that a rather boring view? Very flat country!

Roswell was HOT! Even in September when it had started to cool off in Oregon. The 90 degree weather about killed us. We had arrived on a Friday, had enough time to unload the U-Haul truck, unpack a little and to attempt to find T's new place of work in this unfamiliar territory before Monday.

What people don't bother to mention, when talking about New Mexico or any of the South West states are the "pests". I prefer to call them the enemy and stomp them out as often as I can. Our first morning in our new house in Roswell about caused me a heart attack. Something decided to check on the new occupants:
That is T's hand next to the window and I took the picture...not willingly I might add.

That was the first and last time we saw this giant. I lovingly nicknamed him Aragog. After this, I was in constant battle with the cockroaches. Nasty little things. It is true what they say, one can never get rid of them permanently. And dirty tough!

We lived in Roswell for about 6 months before T was given an opportunity to continue his career at an electric cooperative in a neighboring county.

REALLY sick of packing and moving by this point, but I want T to advance his career as much as possible. The rent in Lovington, New Mexico is awful and hard to find anything to rent. Thankfully a co-worker had a house he would rent us until we could close on the house we decided to buy. 

Lovington is a cute town, but it feels as though one has stepped back in time. Hardly anything is open on Sunday, and if it is, not for very many hours. The people still address each other in "Ma'am" and "Sir" with a slight Texas drawl. The first month for me there, it was extremely hard to not crack a smile or giggle depending on the amount of Texas in their voice.

We eventually closed on our house after what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was a little less than 4 months. At this point I am nearly 7 months pregnant trying to get our new house washed and ready to move in all while juggling a 2 year old. Not the most fun in the world. My biggest surprise about our new neighborhood are my neighbors. They are the sweetest people ever and have made not having family close a little easier to deal with.

Basically my plan for this blog is to be a bit of a record of my time down here in the Land of Enchantment and to show what interesting differences I have noticed since living here. This first part is just a brief explanation on how we got here to New Mexico and I will continue to expand on different parts of the story. Along with explaining how I am still (somewhat) sane raising 2 boys under the age of 3 without much help except from T when he is not at work. My days are interesting to say the least and I wouldn't have it any other way!