Being a lineman's wife is a lonely job at times.
I'm not complaining about how hard my husband works, because he works extremely hard. A power lineman does not necessarily have a set schedule, especially when he is on call. They are done when the job is done and that can sometimes be a couple of days later.
When T gets called out I always dread it, wondering if he is going to be home in an hour or 30 hours later. The unknown is stressful! My biggest fear is the job itself. Lineman have a very dangerous job and at one point in history it was in the top 3 for the deadliest profession. Thankfully, it is not as dangerous now, but still has an element of danger.
Everytime T walks out that door to go to work, I always say a little prayer to keep him safe and bring him home to his family.
Back to my original point: because T works such long and crazy hours, it makes it hard to have him there to help parent our two boys all the time. There have been some days that I do feel like a single parent, but I know that he helps as much as possible, even when he is exhausted after a long day at work. I'm not complaining, honestly. Just wanted to vent a little about how lonely it can be as a lineman's wife.
When T first started this career, I did not believe it would be this crazy. Even though I saw this with my sister-in-law and her husband, I just thought maybe it was because he was a journeyman and the Co-Op needed him to work more. Sadly, I think T works more because he is a lineman apprentice, basically everyones go-fer at work.
So if anybody wants to visit me so I'm not as lonely for adult conversation, please do! We have plenty of room!
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