Monday, December 7, 2015

Holiday Season

The holiday season is here! Yay! Love Christmastime (if you couldn't tell already) and I was so excited to start decorating my house and tree. We have, for the first time ever since being married, a full-size, 7.5 foot tall tree! My oldest helped me decorate and we had so much fun :) After we decorated the tree R helped me with the fireplace mantle. We put up our Charlie Brown nativity scene, it looks pretty cute! When the boys were taking a nap the next day, I worked on the front window, putting up window stickers and ornaments and lights. It looks fabulous and we have gotten several compliments from out neighbors about it.
 Yes, that's a fence around the tree. Helps keep the kids and the dog out of it.

The weather down here has been downright cold! Not like it was in Oregon, but a different kind of cold. It's a damp cold that soaks into your bones, even if it is only 40 degrees out. Makes for being outside for any length of time miserable. I feel sorry for the hubby, he is out in it all day.

Our Thanksgiving was great. The four of us and one of hubby's co-workers who is also from out of state. Good food and good conversation; that's what the holidays are supposed to be about. We still miss the Northwest, but it is nice to have friends down here.

Everyone has been in good health, despite the nasty weather and I am thankful for that. Nobody likes it when their loved ones are sick, especially when they are male!

Slowly been wrapping presents and making Christmas treats that I plan on giving out as gifts. The only problem is that I have to make everything twice because the hubby and the boys are my "official taste-testers"...or so they say! HAHA! Mailed out a ton of Christmas cards this past week that I'm sure the mailman hates me for, but oh well, such is life. 

Until next time! Be on the lookout for another post later on this week, it's for a special day.

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