Can I just say that travel is never an easy feat for me. I love to fly about as much as I love going to the dentist. Add in 2 children and I might as well be having my wisdom teeth pulled again. At least I was able to sleep afterwards with some good drugs!
Right before Christmas I was to fly to Nevada to visit with my Dad, Step-Mom, and two brothers. Dad was in a rehab facility after having brain surgery and several set-backs since the surgery. Basically not doing the best and it had been almost a year and a half since I had seen everyone so I was really needing some family time despite the circumstances.
The bad part was I had to fly from Lubbock, Texas to Reno, Nevada with my two myself...What the HELL was I THINKING?!?
I apparently wasn't and so agreed to the flight not thinking about how big a pain this would be. I wasn't worried about my 3 month old. Just stuff a boob in his face and he was a happy camper. When he wasn't eating he would sleep in his carrier on my chest. My 2 year old is a bundle of energy and I worried about keeping him close in the big airport in Vegas that I would be changing planes in and keep him from getting too bored while on the plane.
Two words: Monkey Back-pack! That thing saved my life. Even though it looked like I was walking my kid on a leash through the airport, I didn't care. At least I knew where he was at all times: stuck to my hand like glue. I never let go of that leash until I was strapped into my step-mom's car and heading over to see my Dad.
My other big mistake, besides traveling with kids, was on the flight over I had waaaaaaaay to many carry-ons. What can I say? I was a kid-travelin' virgin. Ended up over packing with those bags and on my return trip had it streamlined all into one bag. Much easier. The next time (God I hope not anytime soon) I travel with my babies I will know how to handle it so much better.
I have to give a shout out to all of the nice people that helped me when I looked like I might fall apart. There are a lot of very nice and kind people still in the world and I was extremely grateful for all of their help even if I didn't have the breath or energy to express my thanks. People, for the most part, are inherently kind and want to help. It made me feel as though there may be hope for humanity after all.
I survived my trip and my husband survived, for the most part, without us for almost 3 weeks. Even though New Mexico isn't where I grew up, it was sure nice to be able to come home to it. The trip did me good and I hope helped to lift spirits in Nevada.
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