"The early bird catches the worm"....That bird can suck it.
It is just my luck that I have 2 children with polar opposite schedules when it comes to sleep. TT goes to bed relatively early, anytime between 7 and 8 at night. Our newest addition, L, doesn't go to "bed" until about 11 or 12 at night. Which wouldn't be that bad except for the fact that TT wakes up anytime between 4 and 6 in the morning! So I get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of sleep, usually less because of feedings during the night for L.
I stumble around the house for about an hour before I'm awake enough after getting up to do anything even remotely productive. Even than, I don't get much done until about noon. With 3 kids, cat naps are hard to get because I close my eyes for a second and one of them is into something they aren't supposed to be touching or playing with. TT can be super quiet when he is being naughty and I won't find the aftermath until I step in it. Literally. Found a tore up green chili pepper the other day. No clue where he got it. He's just that good.
Love my babies, but I swear they love being mean to their mommy for fun. Coffee has always been my best friend, but I'm beginning to think it's turning into an unhealthy relationship! I admit it, I stalk my coffee pot. And I think it likes it!
Not only does TT wake up early and L goes to bed so late, but add R with his bad 4 year old (can't believe he just turned 4!) attitude into the mix and it makes for some very interesting days. If R wakes up before 7 am, I know that my day is shot and to prepare myself for the fact that I will be fighting him on EVERYTHING for the rest of the day. His attitude sucks and he turns into me when I was that age. Thanks mom and dad for wishing a child like me, on me when I grew up...really freaking appreciate it! NOT!
However, even when they all wake me up earlier than I would like in the mornings it is nice to see their happy faces and how much they love spending time with their momma. Even if she is barely human before her first cup of coffee.
I love them all so much and wouldn't trade the early mornings for anything....well maybe a little more sleep, but that will come later.
That worm can live another day, this momma is too tired to try and catch it.
*And if you feel like it, click on an ad or two for me*
Lol!! You definitely have your hands full! Wish I was closer to help you out. Love ya lots!