So I know last time I promised to post my yogurt recipe, and I will, but there have been some seriously crazy happenings around here the past week. Last Thursday I woke up with such intense pain that I was hardly able to breath and felt like passing out several times because of it. Hubby rushed me to the ER where they proceeded to run tests and blood work to try and determine what was the matter.
After a couple of hours I was informed by the doctor that there was something wrong with my gall bladder. Instantly I thought surgery, but thankfully that was not the case. He said that I had "sludge" in my gall bladder that would settle and block the ducts once in awhile which is where the pain comes from. If you have ever had anything like gall or kidney stones than you probably know what my pain was like: not fun! Since I am also pregnant, the ER doctor wanted to check in with my OB to get a game plan on helping me feel better. They decided that surgery wasn't necessary (thankfully!) and all I would need to do was change my diet.
I had already changed my diet quite a bit since this pregnancy because certain foods didn't settle well or weren't good for a preggo chick. This new diet pretty much eliminates all of the yummy foods/snacks I would treat myself to once in awhile; like chocolate or ice cream or cream cheese! Basically I have had to eliminate anything that is not low or non-fat, use whole grain breads and pastas, and super lean meats with as little oil to cook with as possible. My fruit and veggie intake has increased, along with my water (which I was already drinking tons with being preggo). I have cut myself back to 1/2 cup of coffee a day! Which has been soooo hard to not have my 2 cups a day with creamer. Drinking it black with no milk or sugar :(
With this diet I have basically had to re-learn how to cook certain foods and sub in different oils and milks. Label reading on foods is something that I did a lot before now I'm obsessed with it because I cannot have anything with vegetable oil or shortening, or anything with trans fat. The nurses in the ER joked that I would basically be eating cardboard and air (ha!).
I'm learning to adapt and am not totally hating the new diet, just get tired of having to constantly check ingredients for certain things. Also, I've had to make some things because it's pretty close to impossible to find muffins for breakfast/snack or ranch dressing in the store that isn't loaded with tons of crap I can't have.
Just made Banana Applesauce Muffins from this site I found on Pinterest. They turned out super yummy (even being whole wheat) and were really easy to make. I even subbed in honey for the sugar in the recipe and it worked just as well.
Yesterday, because I've been wanting a salad but can't use the dressing and I'm not a vinaigrette person, I found a recipe online (with the help of a friend that came over the next day after my ER visit to hang out and help me find new recipes I could eat) for Avocado Greek Yogurt Ranch Dressing from this site that I also got off of Pinterest. Tried it out today on a salad and it was not too bad. Granted, it isn't like normal ranch dressing from the store, but it tasted good and worked well for my salad. Even subbed in Almond milk (can't have whole moo juice) and it tastes great. My oldest said it was too stinky though! Ha!
The oil I use, sparingly, to cook with now is avocado. It is supposed to be much better for you and doesn't have a lot of the after taste or smell that comes with olive oil. My hubby hasn't complained so that's good! I've been on this new "diet" now for almost a week and I haven't starved, just learning to adapt to the different changes that are now in my future until the doctor gives me the thumbs up on the gall bladder. Who knows, maybe this diet will stick with me, probably not the coffee part, but I am feeling better and that is what matters the most!
Next time I hope to have the yogurt recipe with pictures!
*Don't forget to click on an ad or two for me :)
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