So I'm actually very happy to see the year 2015 go bye-bye. It wasn't a horrible year, but it certainly was not one of my favorites. A lot happened during the year; some good, some bad.
I had my 10 year high school reunion in July and it was so nice getting to go home for a couple of weeks and to catch up with everyone. Our family also acquired a Vizsla puppy this summer as well and he is now a member of our family and can be just as obnoxious and stubborn as my two sons! We love him very much though, and are happy we have him in out lives.
In August, my father's cancer took an aggressive turn for the worst and finally over powered him. He passed away after fighting hard for a year. It was a rough month for everyone and at times it is still hard to believe that he gone. Thankfully, my husband has been my rock during this most difficult time and I appreciate him so much for just letting me cry all over him when I needed to release.
With September came one of our busiest months so far this year. It seemed as though we were constantly going somewhere and doing something every weekend. Not only was my dad's memorial service in September, but so was my youngest sons 1st birthday along with my 29th birthday. Traveling on a plane with children by yourself is no picnic, so I was extremely grateful that my husband was able to go with me to the memorial and to help with the kids. At the memorial, I was shocked by the turn-out. The church was standing-room only. Lots of tears and laughter and stories about my dad. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to dad and to see friends and relatives I hadn't seen in years.
After our return from the memorial and our lives slowing down a little, we found out that we are expecting our 3rd, and final, child this coming spring. The entire family is rooting for a girl except my poor husband haha! He's terrified of a little girl because he knows he would spoil her worse than our boys. As of right now, the baby plays shy with the ultrasound, so we might not find out until delivery day the gender. That's ok, as long as he or she is healthy and the pregnancy has no complications.
In December, my Nevada family surprised me with them coming down for the holidays! It was nice to be together for Christmas and also an unplanned New Year's after a freak blizzard shut down everything. The holidays would have been much harder had they not been here with us. The company was nice to have while hubby was out making sure the electricity stayed on for people during the storm. Made worrying a little easier with others chewing their nails right along with me.
Like I said, the year wasn't the best, but it certainly wasn't the worst. I am just glad that the New Year is here and can't wait to see what happens this year.
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It was a tough year! Glad we could be together to wave it goodbye! And yes, we're rooting for a girl!!!! Happy New Year! Praying for a great one for all of you! Love you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this with us, we LOVE you so much!