Well it has been one super busy summer! My 10 year high school reunion was in July in Baker and I had a blast catching up with a lot of my fellow classmates. Can't believe that it is September; which means Toby will be turning 1! And my birthday is also fast approaching. Along with the happy will be some sad and solemn with my Dad's memorial service.
For those that do not know, my Dad passed away in August from his battle with cancer. It is still something of a shock to me and I probably won't be able to continue my grieving process until the memorial. Being so far from family and what is going on has been nothing short of frustrating and I have no way of explaining what I am feeling to anyone. It's just too hard. What I do know is that my husband and babies are coming with me for support and to say goodbye to Grampy also. They are so little and it is so very hard for me to even try to begin to explain to R what is going on and why I've been so sad and moody lately.
To keep myself occupied, I have been working on cleaning and organizing our house. All I can say is that it amazes me how much crap a family gathers over the years! I have 5 boxes and 2 totes full of stuff to donate to the local thrift store. That will be nice when I can get all of that space freed up....so I can fill it with more crap I'm sure!
The summer down here has been pretty "mild" apparently. It's still too dang hot for me with the average temp being about 95 degrees. That's low as this has been a wet year. The usual average is about 100+. Thank goodness for small favors!
August also meant the arrival of our new member to our family! Drago the Vizsla puppy! The kids love him and he has become my third baby in the house. He is such a very good puppy and it was totally worth driving he 8 hours over by Dallas to pick him up.
All-in-all, I have tried to stay busy and pre-occupied as much as possible during this summer. It has kept me somewhat grounded and has helped me to deal with some of my emotions from everything going on that has been out of my control. After September 13th, that might change, but I will try to write about my Dad more next time and to try and tell you what kind of man/Dad he was. For now, the memories are too raw and painful to think about too much.
Until next time from the Southwest!